A lot of us have heard of Reiki….. but what IS it actually?
Reiki is a form of energy healing in which an attuned practitioner
channels universal energy to a being with the goal of helping improve the
balance and flow of their personal energy.
Before I go into a deeper explanation, letâ€s get into an open mind
space together. Sit somewhere you feel
safe and comfortable without distraction.
(Normally we would close our eyes, but that would make it a bit tough to
keep reading!) Take in a slow deep
breath through your nose. Now gradually
exhale that air out through your mouth.
Do this a few times until you have reached a point of calmness where you
can be completely present in this moment.
We are all multi-layered beings.
We consist of a physical body, a mind (thoughts and emotions), and a
spirit (or soul). We also contain energy
– both inside that physical body as well as in a field surrounding it. When the energy within us becomes unbalanced
or blocked, it can show as symptoms on any of those levels. Each level can then impact the others, in a positive
and/or negative direction. These
imbalances/blocks can then form the base of dis-ease within our being, on any
or all of those levels.
A practitioner who has been attuned to Reiki (for which there are
multiple levels) will use meditation on a focused intention, as well as
visualization of the aura, chakras, and meridians, to channel this universal life force energy to
their client.
The aura is the energy field that surrounds each being. The chakras are seven points along the center
line of a beingâ€s body that each serve as a center for certain aspects of their
physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. The meridians are twelve paths that
bring that energy from the central line out to the bodyâ€s organs.
The Reiki practitioner may also use other sensory “keys†to help them
achieve the best meditative state for the channeling of this healing energy.
These keys are often tied into our senses. For example:
Incorporating the sense of
hearing using music. Incorporating the
sense of smell using essential oils or incense.
Incorporating the senses of sight and touch using crystals or gemstones.
These are just a few ways both the channel and the energy itself can be
When in person, the laying on of hands can be used, with the Reiki practitionerâ€s hands hovering
just off their clientâ€s body, however this is not necessary. Healing sessions
can be carried out every bit as successfully from a distance. With this in mind, it should empower every
pet owner to realize that their animal can benefit from Reiki energy healing sessions
no matter where they live and what their schedule is like.
So what can Reiki do?
Other cultures have long
acknowledged the existence of an etheric life
force energy within us all. In Japan,
they call it “Ki†(as in rei-ki). In China, they call it
“Chi†(as in tai-chi), In India, it is called “Pranaâ€.
In recent years, the United States has begun acknowledging the benefits
of Reiki, with new studies showing the “positive biological response†of decreased
respiratory rate, heart rate, and blood pressure, as well as decreased stress,
anxiety, depression, and pain.
Many hospitals have started to offer Reiki to their patients,
including the Integrative Medicine Program at Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital
whoâ€s very own Dr. Mehmet Oz has been quoted as saying “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art
among patients and mainstream medical professionals.” The American
Medical Association (AMA) has even added “Complementary and Alternative Medical
Treatments†to itâ€s list of billable therapies.
What it all comes down to is that We Are All Energy.
We are all made of molecules, and all molecules contain energy. Energy can not be created out of nothing, nor
can it be destroyed – it can only change forms.
(Which is also why it is possible to send Reiki to loved beings who have
departed – since their energy lives on.)
What Reiki does is tap into that energy. To help the flow of that energy. To help improve the body-mind-spirit of the
being that energy inhabits. Itâ€s that simple….
and that complex, all at the same time.
Itâ€s not instantaneous. No
block created over time can be instantly remedied. But with patience, and an openness to the
parts of this world we canâ€t see (We
know germs are real even though we canâ€t see them!) and donâ€
t always easily
understand, it is there to offer us
All we have to do is focus our positive intentions and open ourselves
to the energy all around us.