About Karen

My journey has been a search to connect in to life’s sweet spot for my animal companions. We all know it when we feel it… That sense of balance; when our physical body, mental & emotional mind, and spiritual soul are all in-sync; and frees us to feel more healthy, happy, and safe… so we can focus on living with joy.

You, me, our animals… we all deserve to feel calm, hopeful, fulfilled… whole! Whole-istic wellness through holistic healing… reconnecting to our own inner ability to create the life we want for ourselves, and our pets, in this present moment now.


This journey of healing began over 25 years ago with a little dog named Jenna.  We became adults together as she helped me navigate my way in the world. I was never alone because I had my best friend, my child, by my side.

As she got older, my anxiety over the fear of her someday not being with me consumed me, and it became my mission to learn everything I could to maximize the length and quality of her life… and our time together.




But when I think about it, my connection to the spiritual began much earlier than that.  I was a shy, sensitive kid. That introverted nature and preoccupation with the ideas of life and death made me a pretty anxious little human. I was also overstimulated by much of the outside world and what could sometimes be it’s overwhelming sights, sounds, feelings, and ideas.

I think that’s why it felt so calming to be around animals. With them, I could get out of my thoughts and fears and actually be present with them in the “now”.  With them, I somehow felt, and knew, that it was in this minimal simplicity of quiet moments that the most profound healing takes place.




As an adult, I learned everything I could about spirituality in my quest to quiet my anxieties about life and death – studying psychology, yoga,  energy healing, spirit guidance, and animal communication.

I also learned all I could about more physical aspects of healing – studying nutrition and body work for both animals and humans; behavior modification for anxiety; and complimentary modaliites like theraputic light, sound, smell, and touch.

It was a constant struggle trying to balance my science background with my meta-physical quest. The ideas co-existed in my brain in a grounded way, but i kept most of it hidden from those around me… unsure about “coming out” to the people around me as the my true self, in all it’s quirky splendor.




In my “outside life”, I worked with seniors as a speech-language pathologist. Little did I know then that finding ways to communicate with beings who couldn’t convey their wants and needs in conventional ways,  through subtle nuances,  would become a pattern in my life and help me later on with animals.

I made a later-in-life career shift in attempt to better match my internal focus to what I was doing on the outside.  I had learned so much in my own quest, and it felt like I should find a way to share it with others who shared similar concerns about their pets.  Things evolved into helping senior animals as a veterinary technician and canine massage therapist.

In both areas, my favorite part was educating folks to carryover at home things we achieved together in sessions.  I felt lucky to be able to draw on skills as a reiki master to empower not only a being’s physical body, but also their mental, emotional, and spiritual selves.




Those once seemingly separate paths of healing through communication, first with humans and then with animals and spirit,  both work toward helping find physical, mental, and emotional comfort (the sweet spot!)… and have merged into one through this work with Reiki Energy Healing and Intuitive Animal Communication for both people and pets.

I feel  lucky to have this chance to help you connect with yourself and the animals around you, those alive with you now and those who have transitioned into their spirit selves, to help uncover soul lessons they have touched your life to help you learn.

When humans and animals work together, intuition and energy flow and allow us to heal ourselves in amazing ways.

I look forward to meeting you and helping you along your own journey!


Happy ~ Healthy ~ Zen!

Blessed Be,